Office of Institutional Research

             The Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University and Chulalongkorn Hospital Red Cross raw data (data) are a whole lot of information in a centralized system and distributed by various divisions. But the lack of selection and to verify the accuracy of the information system. Make the most of the lack of importance or insignificance (not informative) and can not be used to advantage (not useable) Planning and Development of the Faculty of Medicine. Chulalongkorn University And Chulalongkorn Hospital for excellence in international level. It all boils down to-date information. Truing the decision. And used to monitor performance and evaluate both short and long term. Such information is available in a number of studies to be conducted in a timely administration. Institutions still lack the authority to take direct responsibility in this knowledge (knowledge) to meet the needs of management above. Thus, the Board will be established. "Research institutions Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University And Chulalongkorn Hospital "to be able to realize this in a systematic way.

Satisfaction use online system.

             The main objective of the Institute is to push and develop. Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University And Chulalongkorn Hospital The organization of learning. Management and technical services, based on reliable information. The scope of duties and responsibilities as follows.

1. Data collected at each public agency to apply for their own development agencies.

2. Select and manipulate data Create and develop indicators consistent with the master plan. The mission or vision of the Faculty of Medicine. And Chulalongkorn Hospital The honest and lead to the development agency.

3. Or support research involving the creation. Or the knowledge of the various departments.

4. Encourage access Participation and the exchange of knowledge between people, in and outside the agency.

5. The generated and selected indicators. The management of the University's Faculty of Medicine and Hospital, Red Cross organizations and explore a database to store information.

6. Plan exchange of knowledge among personnel by intranet.